Saturday, January 30, 2010

So, here's the news

After much thought, prayer and discussion, we've decided to move on. Randy will graduate with his Masters this spring/summer and we've decided to stop there. We are excited about the future! We're starting the job search, trying to figure out what to do and where we'll be. As we've thought about our time here coming to an end so abruptly, it is a little sad. We've loved Ames and all the experiences we've had here. We also can't help but notice all the blessings we've had--from getting accepted to school here and having it paid for, to all the growth we've had as a family and individually. So many blessings to be grateful for!!! We've got to start to gear up for the changes ahead.

The other great news is that we're having another GIRL!!!

(Sorry, I couldn't get the ultrasound pictures to upload. Some sort of error. boo.)

We've got to get thinking of names.

Hooray for paints!!!

And here are some from our ice storm a couple weeks ago. Everything looked so beautiful, really. The trees, street signs, and everything was all coated with ice. It was pretty cool as long as you weren't trying to go anywhere.


Bree D. said...

OH OH OH Congratulations!!!!! Girls are the best!!! And three is great!

The change in school plans was a surprise, but will that mean you are coming closer to home so we can see you more? Because that would just cap off the news as wonderful!!

Amber said...

Yay for being done with school!! I am sooo jealous, but you definitely deserve it more than us, seeing as though you've been at it longer :)!! I am so excited that you're having another girl. Girls are so great. I have three sisters (no brothers) and even though we faught most of our teenage years, we're all really great friends now and I just love it! Congrats you guys. Can't wait til you move back here... to Logan maybe?? Just sayin'...

Jill said...

First I love the picture of the tree, it is amazing. And secondly congrats on making your decision! Being in Limbo is so hard so I'm happy for you that you can move on and start looking for jobs :)

Jennifer said...

Wow! Lots to report in this post! Being the selfish person that I am, I'm glad to hear that a Masters' will be sufficient for you guys, and that (hopefully) that may mean that you will move closer to the rest of us, because WE MISS YOU DREADFULLY!!!!!

I love the picture of the tree in the ice storm; it's breathtakingly beautiful!

And congrats again on your exciting news about your third daughter! It will be fun for our little girls to be so close in age!

Jennifer said...

P.S. I will tell Brandon to start asking about jobs at Northrop sooner that we had talked about at Christmas since you will be done with school sooner!

Randy said...

Thanks for the support everyone! and keep your eyes and ears out for job possibilities in Utah. We would love to move closer to everyone (except you Hillary - we can't please everyone:( ).

Lyn said...

Hi Meg - its been a while since I've heard news from your end but congrats on finishing with school! please let us know your plans...let's hope we end up closer. hope the delivery goes smoothly and that you are feeling well. all my love!
